Wildlife Assistance

Hawaiian Monk Seal Response: Statewide NOAA hotline: (888) 256-9840

Reporting Sea Turtle Stranding, Entanglement, or Injury.

  • Statewide NOAA hotline: (888) 256-9840

  • State of Hawaii DNLR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR): (808) 587 0100

Per NOAA: “If you see a sick, injured, stranded, or dead marine mammal (seals/dolphins/whales) or sea turtle, immediately contact the closest stranding network. In Hawai'i, call the statewide NOAA Marine Wildlife Hotline: 1-888-256-9840. 

Report illegal or suspicious activity to 1-800-853-1964, (808) 643-DLNR (3567), or the DLNRTip App. Email detailed photos and videos to RespectWildlife@noaa.gov.”

Artificial Lighting Concerns or Complaints (Kaua’i):

Hawaiian Bird Assistance


Save Our Shearwaters (Rehabilitation Only): (808) 635-5117

Division of Forestry and Wildlife (report native bird carcasses, wildlife concerns on public/private lands, requests for wildlife signage, etc.): (808) 274-3433

Report Injured Nene (DOFAW Nene Biologist): 808-634-0963


Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project: (808) 572-3500

Division of Forestry and Wildlife: (808) 984-8100


Hawai’i Wildlife Center (Rehabilitation Only): (808) 884-5000

Division of Forestry and Wildlife: (808) 973-9778

Feathers and Fur Animal Hospital: (808) 254-1548

Hawai’i Island

Hawai’i Wildlife Center (Rehabilitation Only): (808) 884-5000

Division of Forestry and Wildlife: (808) 974-4221